0800 654 323

New 5.1m3 Bucket for a Hitachi ZX870 excavator,

Manufactured to our customers’ requirements, from high quality steels, using a range of grades including G350 Medium Tensile, G780 High Tensile and G450 Abrasion Resistant for maximum strength and wear resistance, while keeping it light weight also.

The wear package included;

  • G400-60mm Cutting Edge
  • Esco SuperV Adapters
  • Weld on Lip Protectors
  • Wear Strips
  • Side Plate Overlays
  • Bolt-on Side Protectors

This bucket is heading to our offshore mining customer and needed to fit inside a shipping container, so the design was restricted by these dimensions which was an extra challenge.

Call 0800 654 323 to discuss your big bucket needs.