0800 654 323

Great food, Great day, Great company!

West-Trak hosted an epic BBQ lunch and site tour for the Canterbury Institute of Quarrying (IOQ) members and other West Coast Miners, on Saturday 22nd September.

A great time was had by all with amazing, food, drink, weather & people. It was nice to meet more of the team from GBC Winstone Aggregates, J Swap, Texco, Christchurch Readymix, Rosco, Bathurst, Transdiesel & others.

Congratulations to Ross Jury of Canterbury Lineboring for winning the “Guess the weight of the steel slab” competition. His guess of the 140mm thick steel plate was 4600kgs and it weighed 4690kgs! well done and enjoy your cooler bag full of goodies!

A huge thanks to all our awesome Quarry & Mining customers for your ongoing support.