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2019 Minerals West Coast Forum in Greymouth,

Over 90 people attended this forum with a number of different speakers based around the legislative challenges & changes that are affecting West Coast mining under the current Labour government.

A great time had by all with the West-Trak sponsored lunch and our brand new EX1200, 5.2m3 capacity, 8 Tonne, Rock Bucket on display outside the venue.

Congratulations to the proud owners of this new Bucket – BRM Developments! Ready to rip through the toughest West Coast rock in search of gold!

A brief overview of the Forum;

  • The West Coast extractive industries are suffering the most under the governments hostile polices.
  • Miners need to tell their story more, people don’t know enough about what mining is and how it is being done sustainably.
  • We live in a “Fact Free” environment where the government is making decisions based on emotions, not on true facts & data.
  • 33{d86a05e24af71dd845bfd76fdc9c594e8fbb51a0fa0f071eb82fd25e01f6ea66} of the worlds electricity is coal powered.
  • 8 billion tonnes of coal is used globally per year.
  • Coal is 1 of 3 raw ingredients to make steel. No coal, no steel.
  • There is 1000’s of years left of coal resource on the West Coast.
  • There’s a urban-rural divide going on (city vs country). Many wrong perceptions about mining which is not balanced with reality.
  • There was no economic analysis for the Taranaki oil and gas ban or the latest freshwater way/wetlands policies.
  • Gold price is great & the future is good, but getting access to land is holding them back. Lots of historic places are being unfairly locked up with no access.
  • Some companies are working on developing new products & uses for new types of minerals found in the West Coast alluvial gravels – the idea is to mine it once & capture as many different minerals as possible.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the great, PRO MINING work that Minerals West Coast does.